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Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

11 signs that you are in love

11 signs that ur in love

You walk really slow when you're with them.

You feel shy whenever they're around.

You smile when you hear their voice.

When you look at them, you can't see the other
People around you, you just see him/her.

They're all you think about.

You realize you're always smiling when you're
Looking at them.

You would do anything for them, just to see them.

While reading this, there was one person on your
Mind this whole time.

You were so busy thinking about that person, you
Didn't notice number seven was missing

You just scrolled up to check & are now silently
Laughing at yourself.




Friday.BREAK IT and your crush will ask someone else out.
Tomorrow will be the best day of you life.

Walk in a Dreamy Road

Whisper of the wind draw with tears above the sky,
Washing the pretty light is shall sleep in it,
The place full of yearning,
The place with my vague memories,
Sky flowers of longings fade away like wild flowers,
Take down the sky,
The sounds of you dreams flowing away
Fly away along the starlight,
My heart filled up with the longings ,
Shall walk along the dream,

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Teks Drama Nyonya dan Nyonya (Praktikum)

Nyonya dan Nyonya
Cast :
1.       Mr. Tabrin           : M. Sulkhan Habibi        (113 10 013)
2.       Mrs. Tabrin         : Febri Ari Sandi               (113 10 010)
3.       Samirah               : Sari Marzuqoh                (113 10 011)
4.       Sopinah               : Lia Febriani                      (113 10 008)

5.       Director               : Indisa Dwi Cipta Putri  (113 10 014)
6.       Creative               : Nia Lestari                      (113 10 016)
7.       Editor                    : Tuktil Hikmah                 (113 10 012)

This morning is joy full. Shine enter the windows of Mr. Tabrin. Excited condition was seen in the face of the smiling Mrs. Tabrin when observing her husband who has great attention to the newspaper, especially the editorial.
Mr. Tabrin
Mrs. Tabrin
Mr. Tabrin
I have insinuated once again by this newspaper editorial. I, and you, apperently including the type of OKB.
Mrs. Tabrin
What’s  OKB?
Mr. Tabrin
New Rich. Yes, indeed we OKB, is that wrong?
Mrs. Tabrin
Yes, why are you so hard because it’s satire?
Mr. Tabrin
Because I have money. I certainly want a lot of profit.
Mrs. Tabrin
(smile) Perhaps, as I readd in the weekly news, our llife is to glamour?
Mr. Tabrin
That is often I told you! But what may make, we’ve got Impala, is that wrong, Kiki?
Mrs. Tabrin
I think you don’t have anxiety becausse of this happen. Ah, go work! Don’t worry, or from now don’t be too often read the newspaper.
Mr. Tabrin
I.........(nervous) I don’t want to see anyone. I find it strange, even in a dream until I feel rushed! Dream last night I was handcuffed by police.
Mrs. Tabrin
Oh, that means you’re going over, calm down!
Mr. Tabrin
I began to doubt whether I woould survive or not. Because myself was scared. I feel that I did wrong. And you know? I went to the psychiatrist, and I told him everything yesterday!
Mrs. Tabrin
Ha? You say?
Mr. Tabrin
Yes, I’ve said it all.
Mrs. Tabrin
Oh no......!
Mr. Tabrin went away. Suddenly, Sopinah hear the conversation between Mr. Tabrin and Mrs. Tabrin.
Mrs. Tabrin
Hey! You have heard my husband raving! For the first time I listened. But That’s because I worried if you was bitten by Mr. Tabrin.
Mrs. Tabrin

Yes, madam.
Mrs. Tabrin
Do you know shamans?
I don’t know, madam. May be in Banten, madam!
Mrs. Tabrin
Umh, it’s so far. Sopinah! Sopinah!
Suddenly, a woman guest coming to Mrs. Tabrin’s house.
Madam, you have a guest!
Mrs. Tabrinit down, please!
Thank you. Are you Mrs. Tabrin?
Mrs. Tabrin
Yes, I’am.
Mmm......May be I came too early.
Mrs. Tabrin pretend to be looking into her watch and shacking the watch and gave to Samirah.
Mrs. Tabrinhis is Omega! I bought these new!
Sorry, madam, I don’t want to buy a watch.
Mrs. Tabrin
O, then I just put this watch on the table.
Thhe guest nodded doubt and wondered, and don’t miss looking around, and every moment holds her nose with a handkerchief.
Sorry, I got flu!

Mrs. Tabrin
Yeah, never mind. Sopinah!
Sopinah come and ask what the job to be done.
Mrs. Tabrin
Make a drink for this guest.
Yes, madam. Wait a moment, please!
Mrs. Tabrin
What do you want?
I want to discuss something with you.
Mrs. Tabrin
Sopinah came in with a drink for a guest.
Mrs. Tabrin
Please be drunk!
Thank you. I come here  really want to talk about men.
Mrs. Tabrin
About a husband, who admitted that he had not married, and it turns out he already had, right?
Yes, it is. Where do you know?
Mrs. Tabrin
Yes, I know.
 Well, I don’t want this matter to be longwinded.

Mrs. Tabrin
I also don’t want to beat around the bush. I’am intending on any matter to the target, to the jail!
Yes, if we need to enter him to the jail! I was annoyed with him. He has lied to me. If he honestly doesn’t matter. To me, polygamy is a reasonable question.
Mrs. Tabrin
What are you talking about?
Madam, I’am coming here intend to seek clarity about Mr. Tabrin. He said the first wife only lived in wooden house, but a luxury home. He said not buy a radio, but have a home theater. Everything that he said to me are all lies.
Mrs. Tabrin
Who is lying?
My husband.
Mrs. Tabrin
Who is your husband?
Mrs. Tabrin
Yes, I want to know who is your husband?
I think yoou already know, so you not consentration with I’m talking about?
Mrs. Tabrin
Tell me, who is your husband?
Madam, my husband is your husband.
Mrs. Tabrin
What? I’ll call him now!
Mrs. Tabrin immediately call her husband.
I also have his phone number!
Mrs. Tabrin
So, why you not call him, also!
Of course, I will call him now!
Samirah call Mr. Tabrin too.
You see!
Mrs. Tabrin
Yes, I see. But I still didn’t believe you. May be you call another man.
No..... I call Mr. Tabrin, I have other proof, I can show to you if you don’t believe me!
Samirah showing her weeding picture with Mr. Tabrin to Mrs. Tabrin, and she has shocked about it.
Are you okey, madam?
Mrs. Tabrin
Yes, I’m okey! Are you really his wife?
Yes, madam.
Mrs. Tabrin
But, I believe him. He just love me, not you!
So, what I have to do to make you believe me?
Mrs. Tabrin angry with Samirah and she try to hit Samirah. Samirah criying and try to explain the truth.
Mrs. Tabrin and Samirah feel that Mr. Tabrin lie to them, and they agree to enter Mr. Tabrin to jail. Finally, Mr. Tabrin caught by police. Mrs. Tabrin and Samirah agree to lose their richment.

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Beautiful glitter graphics


BigBang and 2NE1

Pasti kalian yang merasa anak muda jaman sekarang pastilah tau grub Boy Band and Girl Band yang satu ini. Yach meraka memang keren abis plus membius mata dan hati para anak muda jaman sekarang. meraka sangat populer dan cepat Booming dikalangan para remaja karena mereka good looking dan satu hal lagi talent mereka tidak dapat kita ragukan lagi, keren dan hebat sekali. untuk mencapai talent dan ketenaran yang sepertisekarang ini BigBang dan 2NE1 benar-benar berkerja keras, bagi Girl band dan Boy Band korea tidak ada istilah menjadi artis secara instant yang hanya berpangku pada satu titik tumpuan aja yaitu good looking, namun mereka dididik sejak dini mulai mereka masih remaja dan digembeleng dengan keras untuk menjadi artis yang benar-benar berbobot. saking sukanya aku sama grub ini, aku post_sin dech beberapa foto-foto keren mereka. setuju gak????? hem pasti setujukan....

Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Name: Febri Ari Sandi
Student Number: 11310010
Class: A
Website ini adalah fersi maya. kalian juga dapat melihat profile website ini difacebook dengan alamat kelebihan dari web ini sangat banyak karena web ini berbentuk seperti Website ini memiliki banyak fasilitas sesuai yang kita butuhkan seperti:
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Jadi website ini benar-benar sangat membantu karena kita dapat juga menambah teman dengan cara menge-Add dan kita dapat berinteraksi dengan mereka dengan mereka mulai dari Chatting sampai sharing tentang status atau artikel yang kita butuhkan tentang bahasa.Inggris. kita juga bisa mengukur level otak kita melalui webset ini. kita bisa dengan mudah mengembangakan bahasa.Inggris kita dengan bergabung dengan Website ini karena kita dapat mementukan level kita dan kita dapat melakukan test tentang kemampuan kita dalam berbahasa Inggris. kita juga dapat mengembangkan reading skills kita melalui layanan National Geographic yang disajikan didalam website ini. website ini sungguh bagus karena kita dapat melakukan percakapan dengan teman baru dari berbagai negara dan kita juga dapat mencari materi pelajaran yang dapat mengembangkan English Skills kita.diwebsite ini juga ada fasilitas berupa Collins™ Grammar Guides yang akan memandu kita dalam masalah Grammar.sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita Website ini akan memunculkan beberapa alamat Web lainnya untuk memngembangkan kemampuan kita sesuai denngan kebutuhan kita.

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Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Lesson Plan at Elementary School

Subject : Bahasa Inggris
Class/Semester : 1-6
Time Allocation : 1 X 45 minutes 
1. Our level school is Elementary School at Boyolali State 
2. Proficiency our students are beginner 
3. The age of our students are 7-12 years old, in one class we have 30-40 students. They are interested to play games, sing a song, drawing, and coloring picture. They are also very excited to learn English.
4. In the classroom we have some equipment these are:
a. Black Board 
b. Color chalks
c. Clock
d. Maps
e. Calendar
5. The materials will the school provide are:
a. Tape recorder
b. OHP
6. To adapted these materials, we will explain it to students and we will bring some examples material. We try to ask them to use it with easier explanations and games. So they can know about material with interested desire.
7. Material will provide by students are papers, color pencils, and favorite toys.
8. Their families or students can provide a color papers, color pencils, puppets, paper doll, scissors, and toys. 
9. The material that we need to find are 
a. Puppets
These can be paper bag puppets, hand paper puppets, or finger puppets. In additional to the actual puppets a simple ‘stage’ is very use full to perform dialogues and sketches.
b. Paper Dolls 
These are very useful for teaching clothes
c. Picture Cards
d. Card Games
e. Board Games
f. Sentence Cards
g. Maps
h. Toys
i. Vocabulary Charts  
10. To make it we are need papers or color papers, ruler, scissors, colors pencils
11. All materials can make lessons so interesting because we will do mixing lesson with games, sing a song. To memories the pupils we use pictures and try to develop their vocabulary by card games, board games, and vocabulary webs. To develop their conversation and dialogues we try to use paper dolls and ask question by the games. We try to make lessons so fun and interests by comfortable methods so they can remember a lesson well.
12. The material that will make their lessons more successful are Picture cards, sentence cards, make a plan vocabulary depend on their place, and make a song about their pupils or their vocabulary. Ask them to speak about basic communication skills to ask something, introducing, greeting, permitted in the English lesson.  And don’t forget to teach them about

Lesson Plan Listening

Lesson Plan at State Elementary School Boyolali 

Subject : Bahasa Inggris
Level of Students : Elementary School 
Class/Semester 5
Meeting : -
Time Allocation : 1 X 45 minutes 
Basic Competence : Listening music and sing a song well. Students could remind lyrics   and vocabulary words on the song.
1. Could listening music and sing the song well
2. Discuss as class to remind vocabulary words on the music
3. Could completing  missing song lyrics 
I. Target of Study
a. Students will be able to listen and sing the song well.
b. Students will be able to remind vocabulary words on the song. 
c. Students will be able to completing missing words on the song. 
II. Lesson Items (Materials and resources)
a. Basic vocabulary words through the song
b. Photocopies of song lyrics
c. PowerPoint presentation and video 
III. Teaching Method
a. Authentic listening/ Viewing materials
b. Authentic visual materials
IV. Teaching Strategy (sequence of activities)
1. Warm-up/Motivation (5 minutes):
 Ask “do you ever sing a song?” let’s we sing thise song together.
2. Presentation ( 15 minutes ): 
Present lyrics of the song use PowerPoint and ask them to sing the song together. Suggest them to remind song lyrics.
 If the students have problem on the vocabulary words we can explain it and continuing subject. 
3. Practice ( 10 minutes):
Show comprehension question and give students 5 minutes to discuss them with their partner. 
Walk around and listen to pairs as they are working. Get volunteers to share with the classmate and discuss about them.

Que Sera Sera
When I was just a little _____
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be ______, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, ______ be
The future's not ours, to _____
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be
When I was ______, I fell in love
I asked my _______ what lies ahead
Will we have ______, day after day
Here's what my sweetheart _______.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The ______ not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
______ will be, will be.
Now I have ______ of my own
They ask their ______, what will I be
Will I be ______, will I be rich
I tell them tenderly.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
Choose these  words to fill the blanks
· Will
· Girl
· See
· Young
· Sweetheart
· Rainbows
· Said
· Pretty
· What
· Future’s
· Children
· Handsome
· mother
4. Assessment (5 minutes):
Show the missing lyrics to them give students 3 minutes to answers it individually.
 Walk around and help students who may be having trouble give the complete lyrics of song. If there are students who still didn’t understand try to explain it again clearly. If your students have understood get volunteers to share with the class and discuss. Ask students to share how many they got correct by raising their hands. If many students didn’t get most correct, we will review in the next lesson. 
5. Application (5 minutes):
Show the correct lyrics and ask them again to sing the song. 
Que Sera Sera
When I was just a little _____
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be ______, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, ______ be
The future's not ours, to _____
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be
When I was ______, I fell in love
I asked my _______ what lies ahead
Will we have ______, day after day
Here's what my sweetheart _______.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The ______ not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
______ will be, will be.
Now I have ______ of my own
They ask their ______, what will I be
Will I be ______, will I be rich
I tell them tenderly.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be
Que Sera Sera
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

When I was young, I fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows, day after day
Here's what my sweetheart said.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

Now I have children of my own
They ask their mother, what will I be
Will I be handsome, will I be rich
I tell them tenderly.
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be
6. Closure (5 minutes):
Ask last question of listening music do you like this song? 
Will you sing these songs in everywhere? Are you mother or fathers ever sing thise songs to you? 
V. Reference and Lesson Appliance
1. Tape
3. Laptop/ computers