Subject : Bahasa Inggris
Class/Semester : 1-6
Meeting :
Time Allocation : 1 X 45 minutes
1. Our level school is Elementary School at Boyolali State
2. Proficiency our students are beginner
3. The age of our students are 7-12 years old, in one class we have 30-40 students. They are interested to play games, sing a song, drawing, and coloring picture. They are also very excited to learn English.
4. In the classroom we have some equipment these are:
a. Black Board
b. Color chalks
c. Clock
d. Maps
e. Calendar
5. The materials will the school provide are:
a. Tape recorder
b. OHP
6. To adapted these materials, we will explain it to students and we will bring some examples material. We try to ask them to use it with easier explanations and games. So they can know about material with interested desire.
7. Material will provide by students are papers, color pencils, and favorite toys.
8. Their families or students can provide a color papers, color pencils, puppets, paper doll, scissors, and toys.
9. The material that we need to find are
a. Puppets
These can be paper bag puppets, hand paper puppets, or finger puppets. In additional to the actual puppets a simple ‘stage’ is very use full to perform dialogues and sketches.
b. Paper Dolls
These are very useful for teaching clothes
c. Picture Cards
d. Card Games
e. Board Games
f. Sentence Cards
g. Maps
h. Toys
i. Vocabulary Charts
10. To make it we are need papers or color papers, ruler, scissors, colors pencils
11. All materials can make lessons so interesting because we will do mixing lesson with games, sing a song. To memories the pupils we use pictures and try to develop their vocabulary by card games, board games, and vocabulary webs. To develop their conversation and dialogues we try to use paper dolls and ask question by the games. We try to make lessons so fun and interests by comfortable methods so they can remember a lesson well.
12. The material that will make their lessons more successful are Picture cards, sentence cards, make a plan vocabulary depend on their place, and make a song about their pupils or their vocabulary. Ask them to speak about basic communication skills to ask something, introducing, greeting, permitted in the English lesson. And don’t forget to teach them about

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